We are caring majority rising.
Who We Are
Caring Majority Rising is a political organization of people with disabilities, older adults, family caregivers, and home care workers.
We are organizing to build a sustainable and just caring economy. We call for greater investments in home and community-based care, as a necessary means to meet our broader goal of dignity, self-determination, access and justice for all.
Our goals are:
- Make long-term care services and supports affordable and accessible to everyone who needs them to live independently— regardless of their ability to pay.
- Improve the quality of long-term care jobs to provide liveable wages, benefits and safe working conditions.
- Invest in the creation of the caregiving jobs that we need to meet our communities’ growing demand.
- Mobilize our members to build our political power to transform our society into one that prioritizes care.
- Ensure that voting is accessible and that everyone, regardless of their ability, is able to exercise their right to vote.
- Ensure that all people have access to the resources they need to survive and thrive because no one is disposable. This includes but is not limited to affordable accessible integrated housing, healthcare (including mental health), reproductive justice, environmental justice, and fair employment practices.
“I go from rage to despair, always worrying that I’m going to be forced into an institution so many years after social workers fought for me to live outside in society.”
– Geri Mariano
Home Care Worker Employer
“The raises we have won and the caring majority rising community supported me when I was struggling to stay in my home and in my family’s life instead of being forced into an institution.”
– Renee Christian
Home Care Worker Employer
Job Opportunities
Full-Time Hudson Valley Organizer
Part-Time Hudson Valley Canvasser [Multiple Openings]
Part-Time Syracuse Canvasser [Multiple Openings]*
Application Deadline: August 9th!
*Syracuse canvasser positions will be hired through Caring Majority Rising’s collaboration with Citizen Action. Please note “Caring Majority Rising” under “How did you hear about this position?”
“Benefits [for home care workers] are basically nonexistent, unless I want to spend my whole paycheck. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to live.”
– Tyler Tunison
Home Care Worker
Become a Member
Please note, donations are not tax deductible.
Contact Us
Ilana Berger
NY Political Director
ilana@caringmajorityrising.org, (347) 645-4255
Julia Solow
Lead NYS Organizer
julia@caringmajorityrising.org, (571) 232-0872
Myriam Hernández
Lead Home Care Worker Organizer
myriam@caringmajorityrising.org, (914) 536-8082